Brilliant work with one shot / one caption!

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Thank you! These 310 are my current favourites - I just really enjoy collecting the images and writing the words ...

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Another great set.

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Thank you Paul!

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In the States & very likely Canada you could do a neat photo essay with people on riding mowers.

A seasonal thing, then leaf blowers, then snow shovels.

Hmm.... I could do that to show that I haven't lost my photography mojo completely.

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Do it! Sounds brilliant ... we don't get much snow over here but somewhere I have a collection of Snowmen from the time it snowed in London ... but that's more of a Christmas post me thinks!

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The only reason WHY I " went on sabbatical " was the lack of a camera save the one on my cellphone which is at best a flimsy reason. I have seen lots of noir photography, there seems to be a rationalization, that b & w leaves more to the imagination ( 3 words alliterating. I think that my subconscious does this to see if I'm paying attention ).

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There’s a lot going on in all those shots. Love the fashion victim bohemian contrasts in #9. Nicely done.

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