Very lovely. Thank you

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You are welcome Jeff!

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Do I always sense a glitch in your mental machine,

or is it just too much caffeine?

Great pics and even greater words!

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Cheers Gery - and spot on - both in terms of the glitch and the caffeine lol!

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13 - That's my wife. She's probably right.

You might like this: https://giannisimone.substack.com/p/night-on-earth

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Funny as I'm normally always wrong whatever lol! Loved your post!

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In the pandemic, I would sometimes get up at 2 or 3 in the morning and just walk. Walk through the city. Look at the empty streets and, once, I heard the smashing of a plate glass window. I didn't go to investigate. It reminded me of when I used to go to school on Saturday mornings. Heading for the bus stop at quarter to eight, with just one or two cars chugging by. The stillness, the quiet, the odd rustle of a rat in the leaves. I can hear it still. So still.

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I always think it's strange how silent places can be outside of 'normal' hours ... I wonder where everyone is ... I get up early with the dog and I love it -

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I used to know a church minister who held "discussion classes", which I attended, and he once said that you know someone is a friend when the two of you can sit together in utter silence and not feel the urge to break it with platitudes.

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