The multiverse would appear a mere implement for fictionistas to take and run royal riot with, but perhaps there’s something in it that might give us all a little flash of hope, of there being something better, somewhere better, where we can be, with greater fairness, flair, eloquence, equality and happiness. There are probably millions of these damn things. Each differing in just one tiny detail which, like chaos theory (remember that old thing) add up to some big changes. Well, if you can leap in a non-sequent manner that is. Which is not to say things increase in one direction only. It could be that we do not improve in each tiny slice. Like the financial markets, we might go down aswell as up, with a less attractive you as likely as a investible one, I guess there are no guarantees, and to continue the slightly laboured financial metaphor, you should be willing to lose everything that you put in, by which I mean YOU. What if you cross into one where you are on death's door or you have already left the party? Is that a full stop? Surely that must be so, otherwise you risk stumbling across your thousand year old self, faux-wise and hubristic at how you have tricked death. Although this you might not be keen to share their secrets with you you. I suppose it’s more likely we’re already traversing the great ill-defined. Every choice gliding us into a new slice of life, a new you. There Is little to do about this, little you can change, keeping still wont work: even making no decision is a decision. Whatever happens you will eventually enter the final slice and it will be the end: the end of all of yous.
The picture is taken in Florence, Italy, at the top of Brunelleschi’s incredible Cupolo of the Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore back in 2017. It’s shot on a Holga using the ‘microclick’ technique where you take a shot then manually advance the film a few ‘clicks’ of the winding mechanism and take another shot. It can produce some wild results which I personally love. If you are interested there are a few more on my website here:
They inspire me to wonder about the multiverse ‘idea’ as slices of time existing simultaneously, for obvious reasons!
I feel I’m letting these last, longer, poems go as a bit of a ‘first draft’ - floating the ideas and taking them for a kind of test run. Sorry if I am treating you all as guinea pigs but if they are here then I will likely come back and revisit and revise.
And as Larkin would say ‘To put one brick upon another…‘ etc
Dude this photo is sick